Held in the Hands of Healing
“Scream, I want to scream Breathe, Breath isn’t coming Feet, Feet want to Run Movement, Movement isn’t coming Cry. I want to cry. Tears,...

To Love is Mad. To Laugh is Magic. To Live is Surrender. To Flow is Fabulous... Just a cute short one.... - The Joyful Warrior

Spirit Matters | Putting the "Spark" Back in My Story... and my Body!
In front of our eyes, are frozen forms. Forms of people, forms of trees, forms of animals, forms of thoughts in the way of words. All are...

Spring Inner Path Journey
Sometimes we are seeking inspiration, but we are using our mind to search for answers instead of our heart to feel what is real. In this...

I'm You're Wife
“Life Knows Life And, I’m You’re Wife And You’re Inside To Be My Guide...”

The World is Our Home
The world is our home. We have just one. Whether it happens down the street or across the globe, we are all affected by our collective...

Of Fear and Faith
It is easy to surrender when fear is replaced by faith and letting go allows love to flow. - The Joyful Warrior

We do not share the same world.
We do not share the same world. Our individual worlds are shaped by the words we say to ourselves that become the agreements within our...

Turning towards the Dawn
"Turning towards the dawn, I hear an eagle caw. I look to the sky to find a cloud staircase given to only my eyes. I walk up the stairs...

The Body is a Hologram
The body is a hologram. Everything is a thought in-formation. This is so real, it is incredible. If you knew what I know... you'd let it...

About Time
Each moment in Time is given for the same purpose. To choose love, over fear. Once we learn to do this-Time is no longer needed. - The...

The Human Spirit
There is nothing more powerful than the human spirit - The Joyful Warrior

We Are...
We are not what happens to us, we are what is happening inside of us. - The Joyful Warrior

Trusting does not come because you find reason to. It comes because you choose to. - The Joyful Warrior